26.2 Again (Part 1 – Week 8)

I’ve picked up a really bad habit lately. I find myself sneaking a peek one week ahead so I have an idea at what’s to come the following week! Boy is that ever a BAD idea! It causes me to start doubting what’s required before I even begin the current weeks work! What I do like about it though is that I’m learning when I put the plan into practice, it’s revealing how strong I am becoming! I think that’s what I love so much about running with a specific plan. I’m starting to believe in myself and the training, as I witness the improvements within the runs with each new week.

In all of my training within the past 2 years, I went with plans that catered to 3 days of training and just getting in the miles. There were no real “tempos” or “intervals,” just junk mileage….and of course, the wonderful SLOW long run!!

Personally, I enjoyed all of my previous plans but now that I’ve decided to dive in and tackle a second Marathon….I want to crush it not just be a finisher. I want to be able to cross the finish line knowing that I gave it my all in training and that I left all that I gained from it out on the last 26.2 of the journey in October! I don’t want to “just finish,” I want to grow as a runner and as a person!

Monday’s mileage was easy (thank goodness)! I just came off of a fabulous 10 Mile Long Run from Sunday and my body made it no secret that it was tired! I had 6 Miles for the day and decided to join a few running buddies for a trail run at one of our local parks. I’m not sure if this was the best idea and I questioned this location of choice often throughout the run. I mentally prepared myself by allowing an extra minute to my already easy pace as I know trails are tougher than pavement. When I felt my breathing was to hard, I would allow myself the opportunity to walk and reset. I knew….Tuesday was coming, and that meant my easy days would come to a halt!

I enjoyed the views out on the trail while the air gave you a good sense that Fall is well on its way! It was perfect! I’m really looking forward to cooler temperatures! The run felt harder than I was expecting and left me a little nervous about what to expect on Tuesday!

Tuesday arrived and it put me back at the local gym. I had 8 Miles ahead of me and 5 of them were intervals (5×1200 with 400 recovery) at a 5K/10K Race Pace. As soon as I started up the treadmill, I began to question if running the trails yesterday was smart! I was pleasantly surprised when my body didn’t seem to respond negatively to the previous trail run! I felt strong and hit the intervals on point!       4-IMG_2499

Today called for a much-needed rest day and I am thankful for that! Tomorrow I’ll wake up to “HATE DAY” aka “Tempo Run!” My plan is to take it outside unless of course it rains! I want to see if I’m able to push myself at tempo pace without the use of a machine. I’m also hoping this will help me get past the boredom I feel while “treading” away the miles!


3 thoughts on “26.2 Again (Part 1 – Week 8)

  1. Sounds like a great week so far! I agree, I really love following a plan and trusting in it–each week that I improve I believe in the plan and in myself more and more. I’ve been pretty good at not getting wrapped up looking ahead, I can’t say that I haven’t done it though. Something very cool happened this past week though. I realized that I had reached the week that I first identified on the plan as being tough–the week I doubted I would be able to do. And of course, I did it! How beautiful is the plan that that tough week came in week 8, not 1? Brilliant!!
    Enjoy the rest of your rest day and the rest of your week! x


    • Wow, that’s AWESOME and a great feeling of accomplishment! Congrats on all the progress! I really enjoy keeping up with your journey throughout the week! It’s refreshing in knowing others are out there training away and living through the hardships and the victories training can offer! I don’t feel all alone ;)!

      I’m starting to really hit my hard weeks strong. I’m 8 weeks away until my “redemption” race! I really want to know I gave it my all (without pushing myself into injury) and then enjoy the last 26.2 of the journey!

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